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"Hilbrook Manor"

86 Downloads 29 Thanks  Thanks 1 Favourited 10,597 Views
Uploaded: 7th Feb 2007 at 5:54 PM
Updated: 11th Feb 2007 at 2:47 PM
~~ Hilbrook Manor ~~

Lotsize: 5 x 6
Price: $ 395.139




Double Garage, Hall, Entrance stairs to the Pool

First Floor:

Entrance, Hall, 1/2 bathroom, Fitnissroom with a view to the great Hall downstairs, Fitnissbathroom, Entrance to the pool.

2nd Floor:

Library, Livingroom, Kitchen, Diningroom, Patio.


Master Bedroom, Master Bathroom, Nursery, Bedroom, Bathroom, Gameroom and a Patio.

Custom Contents Included:

Custom Contents NOT Included:

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