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#1 Old 20th Nov 2010 at 6:24 PM Last edited by Phaenoh : 11th Feb 2014 at 4:12 AM.
Living off the Land Challenge
Hi! This is my first challenge so if you find anything confusing, please tell me and I will fix the problem.

So my challenge is to live off of the land. What I mean is that you cannot leave you lot at any time, nor can you order anything or invite people over, etc. So here's the story:

You were briskly walking through the Veronaville Market one day, when an explosion hit. You lost everything, and then you were forced to move to a new neighbourhood: Marbley County. You and one other couple were the only ones that survived (including your family). You must now live off the land.

First, you have to make a family with a husband and a wife (and children if you would like) and then another couple (with children if preferred). Next, you have to move into a huge lot (the biggest size) and make a fence around your lot after you get your family inside the gated area (use moveobjects if needed) with NO OPENINGS and NO GATE DOORS, so that no one can get in or out. Now build a small house, using nothing electric (including appliances so NO STOVES or BBQS or anything, except a fridge). That also means no TVs or music players, etc.
You MAY NOT get a job. You can only make money from paintings, fishing, or selling vegetables, etc (but NO ONE can enter your lot that isn't part of your household, so that means no stores or restaurants). The only food that you can eat is from fish from a pond if you wish, or veggies.

No jobs
No cars or vans
No phones (see below aswell)(so that you don't use delivery, taxi, or nanny etc.)
The only time you can have a phone is for adoption, but you have to delete the phone immediately afterwards
No delivery
No leaving the lot
No electronics or things that use electricity, except for a fridge and lights
Children may go to school, but you will have to do moveobjects to get them out, or (I would reccomend installing) the homeschool changer from Simlogical
No inviting anyone over
No animal adoption, only strays can be taken in or if you made any in CAS

+50 for each baby born in game
+100 for exceeding $40,000
+20 for each toddler skill learned
+30 for each A+
+5 for each fish caught
+5 for each veggie grown
+10 for each painting sold

-5 for each "accident" (pee)
-10 for each pass out
-5 for each stress
-100 for each death that wasn't from old age
-75 for each visit from the social worker (to take kids away, not adoption)
-30 for each D or less

For this challenge, I would reccomend installing the school changer, flexi school and desk (http://www.drealm.info/simlogical/s...Schooltypes.htm) and (http://www.drealm.info/simlogical/s...ims2_School.htm)
I would also reccomend the larger household hack )http://www.modthesims.info/download.php?t=250640) so that you can have a big family

I hope you enjoy this challenge and I hope to hear how you guys scored!!
Field Researcher
#2 Old 21st Nov 2010 at 4:04 AM
i may try this, but what are you s'posed to eat if you cant even use the bbq's? i can see the no stoves rule, but instant meals, lunchmeat sammiches, and stuff are going to get old, i've never been able to eat the fish without at least a bbq, and to eat most of your harvested fruits and veggies you need either to cook, or the juicer.

is the juicer allowed?
are beach lots allowed?
can you dig for treasure, my sims like doing that, i dont even always have them sell it, i use the scavengings for decoration alot...
Lab Assistant
#3 Old 26th Nov 2010 at 3:47 AM
I have a guy that lives alone on a beach lot and lives off the land, his lot has water across the front, but the reason was not to keep him in, Sims won’t go anywhere alone unless a gnome is stolen, it was to keep townies out. In fact they drove me crazy standing outside for sometimes 14 hours waiting to get into a house they had no access to. I recommend 2Jeffs visitor controller and ban everyone from the lot for this challenge. BBQ’s could be used perhaps as most adults know how to make a fire and cook (fish), there is a grill on here that looks like a camp fire maybe that would help out with the cooking? Best of luck to you, I love my Desert Island guys life, very relaxing without all the phone calls and visitors :o)

Grill link

Ship wrecked fridge link
in case it helps
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