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#1 Old 10th Apr 2005 at 10:37 AM

This user has the following games installed:

Sims 2, Pets
Default Can't install Sims 2 anymore..
Okay..I have a new computer and wanted to install the Sims 2 on it ...But when the 2nd cdrom is in it a message comes up with something like : copying the file Sfx2.package failed..And then you can choose between Try Again and cancel but if you click Try Again the message will come back everytime...Am I doing something wrong or what?Does somebody know something cause I really want to play TS2 again... Please help me .....
Moderator of Aardvarks
#2 Old 10th Apr 2005 at 4:42 PM
Maxis seems to be having a ton of issues with install failing. You might end up needing to make an image of the file. Check the Official site for step-by-step instructions.
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