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MTS2Staff 1st Apr 2012 5:57 AM

Mod The Sims, now Celebrity Endorsed!
We at MTS have long been considering the merits of celebrity endorsement as they relate to sites like this one. There are benefits and disadvantages to be considered, but with EA's recent release of the Katy Perry special edition Showtime expansion pack, it has become clear that the time is ripe.

As you can no doubt imagine, it is incredibly challenging to find a suitable celebrity for a site as big and broad-ranging as this one. We considered popular culture icons like Justin Bieber and Rebecca Black, whose cutting-edge creativity and originality are what our creators strive for. We also considered more classic television stars like Dirk Benedict or Daniel J. Travanti, whose long lived careers could represent the site's timelessness and longevity. We even considered sporting professionals like Steven Bradbury, to celebrate our premier position as leaders of the modding community pack. But after much discussion, it became quite clear to the staff that there is only one person who could truly represent the full and complete amazingness that is this site.

We had to seek celebrity endorsement from the one and only Chuck Norris.

Chuck is a big fan of video games, even though he always wins them. Sometimes he wins them even before they've finished loading, because he's just that good. He has won at all the Sims games, without even using testing cheats. He got to the finish screens and everything.

As our celebrity representative, Chuck Norris will have a significant role to play in the long term plans for MTS. If you keep an eye out, you may even spot a few of the improvements which have already been made to the site at his behest! These are only the first of many changes, of course. Eventually, we expect Chuck's amazing personality to become just as important to MTS as the Sims games themselves are!

To celebrate this very exciting development, our Featured Creators and Staff have been preparing a selection of Chuck Norris themed content to be released periodically throughout the day. You can see these amazing creative works as they are released here:

As you can imagine, we're all very excited about this, and we hope you'll enjoy our new celebrity tie-ins. And seriously, Chuck Norris!



Let us know what you think! Share in our excitement with us! Celebrate the awesomeness that is Chuck!

Echo 1st Apr 2012 6:12 AM

Best celebrity tie in ever! And so relevant! :D

maybesomethingdunno 1st Apr 2012 6:19 AM

So exciting! The best for the best Sims site!

leefish 1st Apr 2012 6:25 AM

HAH - Take THAT Katy Perry and EA.

armiel 1st Apr 2012 6:26 AM

Chuck Norris does not walk to ice cream van to buy ice cream - they home deliver.

Wait, do Chucks eat ice cream, or do they just kick it?

fanseelamb 1st Apr 2012 6:27 AM

This is amazing. I LOVE Chuck Norris! Welcome, Chuck!

Echo 1st Apr 2012 6:29 AM

Quote: Originally posted by armiel
Wait, do Chucks eat ice cream, or do they just kick it?

I imagine he would eat the ice cream, then round house kick the cone. But that's just speculation. We'll have to ask him next time we have an official Norris/Staff meeting.

abbagirl 1st Apr 2012 6:30 AM

Nice April Fool's trick! (?)

ellacharmed 1st Apr 2012 6:33 AM

*runs off to look for a chucknorrisroundhouseIceCreamTruck mod.

Thanks for the idea, Armiel & Echo!

Chuck Norris 1st Apr 2012 6:49 AM

Are you mad, abbagirl? No one fools Chuck Norris and lives.

KiaraRawks 1st Apr 2012 6:53 AM

Quote: Originally posted by abbagirl
Nice April Fool's trick! (?)

I'd honestly think so. This does not seem believable. Just like the paris hilton pregnancy rumor. <--- that one had me like "No F&&%&^&* way is that even possible." lol

Although lbr though, the image of Chuck Norris round house kicking a unicorn is priceless and very well done.

Chuck Norris 1st Apr 2012 6:57 AM

Quote: Originally posted by KiaraRawks
The image of Chuck Norris round house kicking a unicorn is priceless and very well done.

I like my meat rare. That's why I only eat unicorn.

mustluvcatz 1st Apr 2012 7:01 AM

Paris Hilton pregnancy rumor?? I missed that one! April Fool's trick? What is this..ohhhh, that's the day I find a fake (at least I hope it's always been fake) spider in my oatmeal in the morning! It's believable. I mean- seriously. Do you really think we'd go through all the trouble we've gone through (and believe me, there's been some tense moments and almost-roundhouse-kicks this last month) just to play a trick? Besides- Chuck spoke. When he speaks we listen. How do you think that unicorn showed up in game so that screenshot could be taken? Chuck told it to.

G.O.C. 1st Apr 2012 7:02 AM

Quote: Originally posted by Chuck Norris
I like my meat rare. That's why I only eat unicorn.

I bet you use the horn as a tooth pick, don't you Chuck?

Chuck Norris 1st Apr 2012 7:05 AM

Quote: Originally posted by G.O.C.
I bet you use the horn as a tooth pick, don't you Chuck?

I don't need toothpicks. Food isn't brave enough to get stuck in my teeth.

G.O.C. 1st Apr 2012 7:15 AM

Quote: Originally posted by Chuck Norris
I don't need toothpicks. Food isn't brave enough to get stuck in my teeth.

I should have known that!

I would like to welcome and thank you for endorsing our site!

Morphead 1st Apr 2012 7:16 AM

Lulz all around.

Black Zekrom 1st Apr 2012 7:20 AM

I'm afraid downloading all those item....
*looks very supicious...*

sweetswami77 1st Apr 2012 7:27 AM

Quote: Originally posted by Black Zekrom
I'm afraid downloading all those item....
*looks very supicious...*

Suspiciously awesome? Right you are!

Welcome, Mr. Norris! You have proven to be an unending supply of inspiration for us. I just hope that we don't displease you with our meager offerings and find ourselves on the business end of your foot!

bbc100 1st Apr 2012 7:40 AM

Ok... I might download some Chuck Norris items when my internet resets or when something worth downloading (to me) shows up? Ok? And it is whenever shows up first. Prob's internet!

Chuck Norris 1st Apr 2012 8:00 AM

Quote: Originally posted by Black Zekrom
I'm afraid downloading all those item....
*looks very supicious...*

These items are Chuck Norris approved. You should be afraid of not downloading them.

anak_ponti 1st Apr 2012 8:03 AM

Always a big fan of Chuck Norris

Sims99Fanatic 1st Apr 2012 8:09 AM

This reminds me of that facebook poll that showed up on the ads section for a very long time. "What's manlier than Dr. Pepper 10? 1. Chuck Norris 2. Nothing. Of course the results of the poll were Chuck for a landslide.

Inge Jones 1st Apr 2012 8:13 AM

Excellent! I first developed my crush on Chuck Norris when I was looking for a good exercise machine and found him advertising the TotalGym on daytime shopping TV channels

Miuki 1st Apr 2012 8:13 AM

It's just too amazing!

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