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7) Careers
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When Kody graduated, he got a job in politics like Mama. Kolton, however, went into medicine like Uncle Kyle to make Papa happy. Kalini isn't too sure what she thinks of their jobs. She'd like a job in law enforcement, but she hates the outdoors so she just stays home and writes.

Kolby and Kory don't have to worry about jobs for a while. Homework is enough of a job. Kolby breaks a lot of lead and Kory does a lot of erasing.

Part of a political career is meeting Sims, making friends, and getting campaign donations. So, we invite a lot of people over for parties. We had to move our table and chairs out of the kitchen as so many Sims like to congregate there.

I have maxed my cooking skills and learned all the available recipes now. Soon I'll be a five-star chef. For now I'll just add my latest plaque next to my painting.

Our mama lived to be 95. She died one night while working on a painting. She didn't get to max her painting skill.

Great Aunt Kara helped Mama with the transition to her new life.

The shock of her death really aged Papa. He too was painting when Mama died. He was working on Kolton's portrait.

Anyway, we put up a monument for Mama in the back yard. Her epithet states that she was, and is, surrounded by family. That was her lifetime want - to just raise us kids.

Thanks, Mama, for doing such a great job. We love you and we'll miss you.

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