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Chapter Six, part two
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Chaz: Sorry to keep you waiting.

Fiona: I missed you so much!!!

Chaz: Me too. We have so much to catch up on.
Fiona: First you need to tell me where you've been!

Chaz: New Orleans. Did I miss anything around here?
Fiona:Oh yeah!

Down at Shane's apartment.
The guys were sitting around after hours of talking things over with Sade.
They decided to give her a break and discuss things amongst themselves.

Jasper: I really think we got through to her. She knows that going around killing people is wrong.
Raj: I'm not so sure.
Shane: Relax, Raj. The solution here is to keep her far away from Marcus and keep her here for a while.

Sade: You guys picked a great apartment to steal. Whoever lives here has great taste in clothes!

Sade: You killed the owners right? I should totally try that with a mansion.
Shane: No we just compelled them to leave town. I told you already....
Sade: Blah blah blah. Killing people is wrong, Marcus is bad news and blood bags taste just as good as fresh blood. I wasn't sleeping during your little lesson.

Jasper: We just want to make sure you don't give in to your cravings like you did last night.
Sade: Ugh we only killed ten people!

Raj: You better be lying!
Sade: Lighten up! It was just a joke!

Sade: I'm just bored. We've been in here all day. The sun is down now, can't we go out? You can show me all the perks of being a vampire!
Raj: Why? So you can lose control again?!
Jasper: Raj please just calm down. No one is losing control.
Sade: Seriously, dude. I'm new at this.

Jasper: C'mon. Let's go outside.

Raj: What I'm seeing here is not good. I think we have a ripper on our hands.

Shane: What?! Isn't that a bit dramatic? She's just a new vampire that got turned by a psychopath. It's just Marcus planting ideas into her head.
Raj: I'm telling you. I really have a bad feeling about this. She has the traits of a ripper. No emotion, joking about murder, craving fresh blood all the time. It's not normal.
Shane: Don't you remember when I was turned? I wanted blood all the time, still do. That's the point of being a vampire.
Raj: The difference is that you want blood and she wants to kill people for blood. I bet she was being serious when she said she killed ten people. The girl is dangerous.

Sade: Ahhh fresh air! This feels amazing! You know what's awesome? Now that I'm a vampire, it's like I can't feel temperature anymore. I can dress like this all year round!

Jasper: Are you sure you're OK?
Sade: Why wouldn't I be?! I'm a freaking vampire! My life is just beginning!
Jasper: Sade.... no one should be happy about being turned into a vampire.
Sade: Well I am.

Sade: Do you realize I don't have to struggle for anything? I can live my life whatever way I want. I can travel all over, I can compel people to do things for me, I can run and jump as fast as I want. There's just endless possibilities now! I don't have to be the girl with the shitty life and low self esteem anymore.

Sade: Please don't abandon me. I promise to not kill anyone.
Jasper: I won't.

Sade: I love you. That's all you need to know.

Sade: Oh my god, look! It's Sarah!!!

Shane: Nice of you to finally show up!

Sarah: Sade...oh my god....I'm so happy you are ok. You have no idea....*sob*.. I'm so sorry for everything...

Sade: Come here! Let's just put it all behind us. This is a new chapter in my life and I have no room for grudges.

Sade: So. It's night time and I'm bored out of my mind. Let's go out!
Raj: No way!
Shane: Raj...let her speak.

Sade: If you really want to make sure I have everything under control, how about we go to a really crowded place? If anyone sees my eyes darken, they have permission to knock me out and take me out of there.
Naomi: As long as it's a place where there's booze. I need a drink.
Sarah: I'm up for it! I can tell that the girl is OK. You guys know me. I would be the first to tell you it's a bad idea.
Raj: This is a terrible idea. You are asking us to take you into a human buffet basically.
Shane: Fine. Where do you want to go?
Raj: Shane! c'mon!

Sade: I know the perfect place!

Fiona: Dinner was really great.
Chaz: I'm glad you liked it. Honestly I thought you wouldn't like Ethiopian food.
Fiona: You're forgetting I went to college in New York. I've tried all kinds of food.

Fiona: Nothing compared to you though; Mr. globetrotter. I'm really glad you went down to New Orleans. I can't wait to see all the spells you learned from those gypsies.
Chaz: I can you show you some now if you like. It's a warm night for November. Where do you wanna go?

Fiona: Hmm. The beach?

Fiona: I'll race you! haha!

Chaz: Hey! flying is definitely considered cheating!!

Raj: Hah! You took us to a rave?! Have fun trying not to rip anyone's head off.
Shane: Raj shut up and have a drink with me! You guys go have fun.

Jasper: Let me know if you suddenly feel hungry. I have some of Shane's blood vials.
Sade: It's ok. Just dance with me.

In fact, everything was not ok.
More and more people were pushing past Sade.

and she was starting to hear the pulse...
...in each of their necks....


...and louder each time.

Fiona: So it was the last day of seventh grade when I got the call. I was at Sade's sleepover.

Fiona: My parents were found dead two blocks away from my house. Apparently carjacked and mugged. Which makes no sens because we lived in the good part of town.

Chaz: I'm so sorry that happened. I know what it's like to grow up with no parents.
Fiona: I'm sorry. Here I am talking about how I actually had my parents for thirteen years while you grew up in a foster home.

Chaz: No worries. Why should I be sad about parents who didn't bother to raise me? Besides if it wasn't for them, I might not have learned about witchcraft at such an early age. I didn't have many friends so I spent most of my time in the library.
Fiona: So how did you figure out you were a wizard?

Chaz: Some kids were bullying me so I decided to use a spell from an old spell book I found. They all ran home crying with singed hair.
Fiona: I knew I liked you for a reason.

Fiona: I think I want to stop talking right now.
Chaz: Fiona.....are you sure?
Fiona: You said it yourself. It's a warm night.

Sade: Hey. It's getting kind of loud in here. You wanna go outside?
Jasper: Sure.

Naomi: Should we follow them?
Sarah: Nah. I trust her.

Jasper: What's up? Are you ok?
Sade: Yes.....

Jasper: Whoa...aggressive much?
Sade: Shhh...

Jasper: Sade....your....eyes..

Sade: You smell.....delicious.

Jasper: Hey! It's me, your boyfriend! Snap out of it.

Marcus: Girl is hungry, dumb ass.

Marcus: Now you stay here. We'll come back to finish you off, big guy.

Marcus: C'mon. I'll get some victims for you.

Shane: Will you sit down and enjoy the night? You won't be able to spy on Sade. Her and Jasper got lost in the crowd.
Raj: Well excuse me if I'm completely against bringing a potential ripper to an all you can eat buffet.
Shane: Would you quit calling her that? She's one of my best friends. I would know if she suddenly became a monster.

Raj: I'm sorry. I'm just on edge, because..
Girl: Oops. Sorry, dude.
Raj: No prob....


Sade: Mmmm. Bring me more! Bring me more!

Raj: Get the others!
Shane: Be careful!

Marcus: Stay out of this dog boy! I'm just showing her how to be her true ripper self! No matter how much you try, she will never be like your little girlfriend over there. She is destined to be a RIPPER!

Raj: Fuck off!

Raj: Sade....oh my god.

Sade: Mmmm. Marcus was right. Killing for blood makes it taste better!

Raj: No...you can't listen to him. He's getting into your head. We can help you....

Sade: I need more!!!

Jasper: Sade? What is going on?

Sade: RUN! NOW!

Jasper:....What are you doing? Please snap out of it!
..... Sade!! Don't do this....please.

Sade: Rahhhh!!!!!!!!!

Jasper: No!!!!!!

Sade: Gah!!!
....the sound of a stake hitting the ground......

Raj: *panting*.....I'm so sorry.

Jasper: N....n...no....

Jasper: *sob*....no....

Sarah: Ahhhhh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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