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  • Vampiric Bloodlines

    by baniduhaine 5th Dec 2021 at 9:02pm , updated 29th Mar 2024 at 11:53pm

    In spite of it showing up as a search suggestion, I couldn’t actually find a pre-existing mod for Vampire Bloodlines more...

    +1 packs 49 93.5k 168 36.2k


  • Werewolf Bloodlines

    by baniduhaine 16th Jan 2022 at 9:26pm , updated 10th Jun 2023 at 8:53pm

    Requested. This bloodlines require Nyx's Werewolf mod, an edited version of which you can find by GOOD_BOYgoneBAD and myself. more...

    +2 packs 29 58.4k 89 25k


  • Alien Bloodlines

    by baniduhaine 23rd Dec 2021 at 12:04pm , updated 10th Jun 2023 at 8:44pm

    Several existential crises later, I ended up finally finishing the next installment of “giving Bloodlines to other Occults because only more...

    +1 packs 26 42.9k 99 21.5k


  • Mermaid Bloodlines

    by baniduhaine 7th Dec 2021 at 12:01pm , updated 10th Jun 2023 at 8:39pm

    Following up on my possibly excessive quest to give other Occults the same bloodline-traits treatment that Spellcasters get in the more...

    +2 packs 12 43.8k 125 21.2k


  • PlantSim Bloodlines

    by baniduhaine 18th Jan 2022 at 7:02pm , updated 23rd Oct 2023 at 4:26am

    Another request that I'm super late on, because apparently schedules and I don't get along! more...

    17 27.1k 71 11.7k
