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Field Researcher
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#151 Old 2nd Jun 2016 at 10:04 PM
First of all thanks for the nice comments on Uranesia! I appreciate it

Now, about links to CC, they are always welcome as long as the items are free and suitable for the world, so I see no problems with any of the links you posted. The thing is, when it comes to furniture, I don't want to use a lot of CC because I'm doing fine with the game objects and I don't want the world to be too heavy on CC. However, I've seen some objects that could look really good in the world, and I think I'm going to use them (some items from the Sun Temple set and some thrones from the sims3medievalfinds tumblr). So thank you for your suggestions

Find all my creations here:
My blog: Nilxis Designs // My Tumblr page: http://nilxis.tumblr.com
Mad Poster
#152 Old 2nd Jun 2016 at 10:49 PM
Well, turns out people here don't take jokes. Shame, I could go on for ages about how TSR is a big ole' pile o' shite. I've downloaded maybe 5 garments from there in the last 5 years and all of them were unfinished. They just didn't have specular maps, normal maps, proper masks or anything like that. There's one thing they did have, and that was shitty photo-textures.

And that's one of the many reasons I like MTS so much - you don't get crap like that here.

insert signature here
( Join my dumb Discord server if you're into the whole procrastination thing. But like, maybe tomorrow. )
#153 Old 3rd Jun 2016 at 5:29 PM
Let's just talk about Uranesia now.
I still don't know what style of clothing I am going to give the inhabitants. Something a bit druidy. A bit Incan. Most of the wooden furniture I plan to replace with more marble and stone type stuff too probably. I'll have a lot of altars. Lots of archways (I've downloaded some real cool ones) and I've got some quite bizarre World Of Warcraft lighting objects that don't really fit anywhere else. I've got some big plans when this is released.
It's definitely unique, that's for sure.

Can't find stuff in build and buy mode? http://www.nexusmods.com/thesims3/mods/1/?
Lab Assistant
#154 Old 19th Jun 2016 at 11:15 PM
I check often to see if there is any news on this awesome Uranesia. So many great ideas in the meantime. Can't wait to try it out. Maybe I could start making a family or two. Recently rewatched Seven Years in Tibet with Brad Pitt. It made me think of Uranesia.
Field Researcher
Original Poster
#155 Old 26th Jun 2016 at 11:15 AM
Hi! Very soon I'm going to post a new update, in the meantime you might want to check out some of the latest posts about Uranesia on my tumblr: http://nilxis.tumblr.com/tagged/uranesia
There I posted some new pictures and I wrote about the island and its architecture, history, geography, cultures, etc.

Find all my creations here:
My blog: Nilxis Designs // My Tumblr page: http://nilxis.tumblr.com
Top Secret Researcher
#156 Old 26th Jun 2016 at 11:34 AM
oh... my... GOD!

Realstic clouds!!! You even considered religion, economy and politics! I need this world finished. This is the peak of your creativity. I love you for this!
Trainee Moderator
staff: trainee moderator
#157 Old 26th Jun 2016 at 2:11 PM
I've just seen the giant gas giant and I'm loving it!

In real life... OMG that would be quite scary! Lol!
But this is just a game and that's why I'll keep the moons in my game and won't remove them from the world using S3PE.

Also, I love the realistic clouds, it looks so real! OMG! :lovestruc

Oh and are you also going to create a "Stormy" weather for this world?
As I see, you did "Clear", "Partly Cloudy" and "Overcast". It would be a nice touch if you also included stormy weather, much more dark then Overcast with fast moving clouds, etc.

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Field Researcher
Original Poster
#158 Old 27th Jun 2016 at 12:02 AM
@mixa97sr, I want to give a meaning and a reason to all the things I create in this world, I feel like if I do this everything will fit together more and the result will be better and more fun to explore and discover
@jawusa, I will probably do it, I agree that a darker stormy weather will look good.

I've been working on finishing the city in the mountains. It's not done yet, but only a few lots remain to be built. Here's the new update:

General views of the city. As you can see it's almost done, I only have to build the royal palace and a few residential lots in the farming terraces.

This is what I call the Acropolis. It's the highest area in the city, and its cultural and political centre.

This would be the equivalent to the Greek agora or the Roman forum. These two monuments are the eternal flame and fountain, they are dedicated to the gods of fire and water, which are important elements for the people in the city.

Behind the archways there's the temple of knowledge, which works as a library. Here are kept the documents about the history of the city, the island, the creation of the world and religion according to the citizens.


This is the school.

These little houses were built to shelter the ones who were able to escape the pirate invasion of the coastal city.

Another residential lot.

Some interiors.

This is the temple of the goddess of fertility, which represents agriculture among other things.


As you can see, I've recoloured the clouds again to create a more detailed and fluffy ones

Finally, two nighttime pictures.

I hope you like it! This has been the first and the last update of the summer, because I will be off until September. I hope to give you more updates by then

Find all my creations here:
My blog: Nilxis Designs // My Tumblr page: http://nilxis.tumblr.com
Mad Poster
#159 Old 27th Jun 2016 at 2:34 AM
Looks awesome- love how atmospheric the moons make everything!

Have you considered using a greener color for the darker stone joints (and also the patchy paint texture) to simulate moss? You can do it on the walls and floors for some areas that might be older and more run-down- in the tropics, greenery literally colonizes any sort of surface unless you continously keep it clean!

I think I did something similar once in Praaven.

(SimmyRN's picture)

You could even do the same thing with the stones and retaining walls- maybe add some dark streaks as well- I saw that effect a lot in the tropics.

Do you also want the pigeon->parrot recolor files I made for Sao Paten?
Field Researcher
Original Poster
#160 Old 27th Jun 2016 at 5:43 PM
Thank you for the feedback!

I've actually considered adding moss and darkening the rocks. Not much in the buildings, but I've thought of changing the color of the rocks to something similar to the pictures you posted. Of course, if I end up doing it, I will add moss in the building's walls and floors. I've done it already in some lots such as the monastery, but it's not very noticeable.

I have done some little testing in CAW, I've just replaced the textures for these new ones, without changing anything else:

Here are more pictures of how it looks (Keep in mind that I would repaint it all to make it look better):

I'd like it to look like this:

The current rock textures look cleaner, but if I changed them it would look wilder, more jungle-ish.
What do you think? Do you like how it looks so far? Let me know in the comments!

Oh, and I would love to check out your pigeon recolor

Find all my creations here:
My blog: Nilxis Designs // My Tumblr page: http://nilxis.tumblr.com
Lab Assistant
#161 Old 27th Jun 2016 at 7:05 PM
Love the wild, more jungle-like look of the rocks. Also the sky is amazing. All so wonderfully exciting.
#162 Old 27th Jun 2016 at 9:09 PM
I can't really decide what I like more. I think that mixing the two types of terrain could look pretty. Like using the "mossy texture" in the bottom part of the cliff and blend it more with the grass and continue blending it into the "clean" rock in the middle and then start adding the mossy texture again until it reaches the top?:D. I mean that the mossy texture would be only at the edges and it would be dominated by the clean texture in the middle with ocasional longer strikes with the mossy texture?Does that make any sense? (sorry I am terrible at explaining)

I think that when the mossy texture is on the whole cliff it is a bit too much. But since you said that you would work on it more I am sure you will make it look awesome as always.

Visit my Tumblr for more creations http://crowkeeperthesimmer.tumblr.com :)
Top Secret Researcher
#163 Old 27th Jun 2016 at 9:42 PM
I like the darker, wilder colour better. But as Crowkeeper says, you could mix. Some of your inspirational pictures even show a tinge of red.
Moss in the building's walls and floors can look static very quickly as it tiles very much and does not look natural then.
Test Subject
#164 Old 27th Jun 2016 at 10:32 PM
Wow. I'm happy about every new picture you post. I love your world so much. The clouds! The architecture. The details. The history..
Now we will have to wait until september
Well it can't be helped if you're busy.
Keep up the good work!
Field Researcher
Original Poster
#165 Old 28th Jun 2016 at 12:34 AM
Thanks for your opinions and suggestions!
I think I prefer the mossy rocks too I've tried to paint the terrain like Crowkeeper says, and I've also added some reddish touches like in my inspiration pictures. Here's the change:

I think it finally has that South American tepuis feel that I was looking for since the beginning, but never managed to really get. Now I'll just have to change the whole city's stone walls and floors so they match the terrain.

Find all my creations here:
My blog: Nilxis Designs // My Tumblr page: http://nilxis.tumblr.com
#166 Old 28th Jun 2016 at 1:11 AM Last edited by Crowkeeper : 28th Jun 2016 at 1:27 AM.
The red tones look very pretty Can we maybe see a picture that shows the new textures from greater distance?

edit: maybe it would be also interesting not to change the cliffs like this everywhere? It might be nice to make the terrain change slowly towards a different part of the world? (the volcano perhaps?) so that from some point in the world the cliffs can start looking "mossier and mossier" (is that even a word?I mean there will be more moss added gradually)

I am saying this mostly because I cry inside when I imagine you would have to change everything But also because it might look good and add some variety

Visit my Tumblr for more creations http://crowkeeperthesimmer.tumblr.com :)
Field Researcher
Original Poster
#167 Old 28th Jun 2016 at 1:28 AM

(I still have to repaint the other cliffs)

Find all my creations here:
My blog: Nilxis Designs // My Tumblr page: http://nilxis.tumblr.com
#168 Old 28th Jun 2016 at 1:38 AM
hell, it's amazinggoing to stop spamming your thread and let you perform this magic
Great job Nil!

Visit my Tumblr for more creations http://crowkeeperthesimmer.tumblr.com :)
Top Secret Researcher
#169 Old 28th Jun 2016 at 6:54 AM
Super awesome! Looks great! Which cloud effect do you use?
Top Secret Researcher
#170 Old 28th Jun 2016 at 11:31 AM
Quote: Originally posted by Grijze Pilion
His own.

Hm, should have been more specific. I did not mean the overall clouds (which are his own, obviously), but the effects used in the different "mountain heights". Hope this makes more sense.
Field Researcher
Original Poster
#171 Old 28th Jun 2016 at 2:12 PM
@Crowkeeper, I will keep the same textures for all the rocks, but some places are going to be mossier than others (in the jungle I will probably add those mossy rocks I made for Hylewood). Haha don't cry inside! I actually don't have to paint it all from scratch, only adjusting the textures a little bit

@Vincent T., I use that fog from Island Paradise around the hidden islands as clouds, you can only find it in SuperCAW: type "hidden" and you will find all the different effects

Find all my creations here:
My blog: Nilxis Designs // My Tumblr page: http://nilxis.tumblr.com
Mad Poster
#172 Old 29th Jun 2016 at 3:00 AM
Liking the new textures a lot!

I think the light areas need just a bit of lightening- maybe through the texture. I also wonder- is there a texture you could use specifically for the cliff areas that won't stretch as much?

Quote: Originally posted by Vincent T.
I like the darker, wilder colour better. But as Crowkeeper says, you could mix. Some of your inspirational pictures even show a tinge of red.
Moss in the building's walls and floors can look static very quickly as it tiles very much and does not look natural then.

I usually use several variations of the floor or wall in varying intensities to avoid this issue.
Field Researcher
Original Poster
#173 Old 29th Jun 2016 at 12:31 PM
Thanks for the tips! I've lightened it a little bit:

Yeah, the rocks in the cliffs are quite stretched, I guess it's because the terrain is so steep. I've tried to use a less creased rock texture, and it looked softer on the cliff, but then the other rocks that are less steep looked too bland.

Find all my creations here:
My blog: Nilxis Designs // My Tumblr page: http://nilxis.tumblr.com
Test Subject
#174 Old 29th Jun 2016 at 2:16 PM
The mossy rocks are great. I also like the bit of red. It's the right amount.

I don't think one can do much about the "stretch" look. It's just how CAW works on steep terrain. But i don't think it's that bad.
I'm really looking forward to see the jungle area! The mossy rocks from Hylewood will fit in perfectly.

Are you planning to include tombs in this world? This would be awesome!
Trainee Moderator
staff: trainee moderator
#175 Old 29th Jun 2016 at 2:35 PM
It looks better then before! Love the bit of red in the rocks. :lovestruc
I can't wait to see the jungle area with the volcano as well.

And yes, it would be cool if there were tombs in the world. And maybe some diving areas as well.

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