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Lab Assistant
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#1 Old 4th Jun 2016 at 9:24 PM
Default S4pe keeps crashing
I hope I am posting this in the write place. I'm having trouble getting S4pe (the sims 4 package editor) to work. It crashes at start up, I've tried downloading previous versions of the program but it won't work. can anyone help me?
Field Researcher
#2 Old 5th Jun 2016 at 1:51 AM
Usually when that happens you have an outdated version. Recheck the site and make sure you have the newest one.
Lab Assistant
Original Poster
#3 Old 5th Jun 2016 at 3:59 AM Last edited by cmcallister14 : 5th Jun 2016 at 4:17 AM.
Okay I'll give it a shot.

Update: I tried the most recent 0.4.4-beta file and it's still crashes at start up.
One horse disagreer of the Apocalypse
#4 Old 5th Jun 2016 at 8:19 AM
There were some fairly significant resource changes in this last patch, it may be that s4pe can't manage the game files right now.

"You can do refraction by raymarching through the depth buffer" (c. Reddeyfish 2017)
Mad Poster
#5 Old 5th Jun 2016 at 10:45 AM
s4pe works fine; I'm not using the Beta, but the 0.4.3 program.
It will however not read CASP resources in the DeltaBuild0 files, while it reads the original CASPs in the FullBuild files just fine.

MedievalMods and Sims3mods: Dive Cave Reset Fix, Resort Revamp, Industrial Oven Revamp, Will O' Wisp fix, UI Sounds Disabled, No Cars, Gnome Family Planner, Townies Out on the Town, No Martial Arts Clothes, Fast Skilling, etc. http://simsasylum.com/tfm/
#6 Old 5th Jun 2016 at 5:53 PM
Sims 4 Studio updated the day the patch came out and it has a comprehensive resource editor that you can use to work with resources in a .package. If you need to work with files in the FullBuilds/DeltaBuilds it can do that too. There's a tutorial HERE that shows how. For resources in a .package just open the .package using the My Projects button and click the Warehouse tab. Also, Inge, the addition of the Data resource that you were asking about is in the latest beta too.
One horse disagreer of the Apocalypse
#7 Old 5th Jun 2016 at 6:06 PM
Thanks OM

"You can do refraction by raymarching through the depth buffer" (c. Reddeyfish 2017)
Lab Assistant
Original Poster
#8 Old 7th Jun 2016 at 9:31 PM Last edited by cmcallister14 : 7th Jun 2016 at 9:43 PM.
Thanks OM hopefully I'll be able to get it working and thank you everyone else for helping out too!

Update: Maybe there's something wrong on my end because s4pe (version: 0.4.3 and 0.4.4 beta) is not working for me. I've tried running program as administrator and changing compatibility settings but nothing is working.
One horse disagreer of the Apocalypse
#9 Old 8th Jun 2016 at 8:59 AM
Did you have s4pe working ok before the patch, or are you a new user of s4pe? If you are a new user, it may help you to unzip it using 7zip or WinRAR rather than Windows inbuild unzipper, which is often the cause of bad installations of tools without their own installer .exes

"You can do refraction by raymarching through the depth buffer" (c. Reddeyfish 2017)
Lab Assistant
Original Poster
#10 Old 8th Jun 2016 at 2:28 PM
Quote: Originally posted by Inge Jones
Did you have s4pe working ok before the patch, or are you a new user of s4pe? If you are a new user, it may help you to unzip it using 7zip or WinRAR rather than Windows inbuild unzipper, which is often the cause of bad installations of tools without their own installer .exes

I'm a new user of s4pe, I tried unzipping the file with 7zip and WinRAR and it still crashes at start up.
One horse disagreer of the Apocalypse
#11 Old 8th Jun 2016 at 2:45 PM
Can you catch some of the error message you get? (assuming something pops up at all)

"You can do refraction by raymarching through the depth buffer" (c. Reddeyfish 2017)
Lab Assistant
Original Poster
#12 Old 8th Jun 2016 at 3:59 PM
Quote: Originally posted by Inge Jones
Can you catch some of the error message you get? (assuming something pops up at all)

One horse disagreer of the Apocalypse
#13 Old 8th Jun 2016 at 5:10 PM
How were you trying to run it? You have a resource selected and the exe. Did you double click on the exe or drag the resource onto s4pe or what? And have you got The Sims game running?

"You can do refraction by raymarching through the depth buffer" (c. Reddeyfish 2017)
Lab Assistant
Original Poster
#14 Old 8th Jun 2016 at 5:19 PM
Quote: Originally posted by Inge Jones
How were you trying to run it? You have a resource selected and the exe. Did you double click on the exe or drag the resource onto s4pe or what? And have you got The Sims game running?

I forgot I was playing when I was showing you the error but when I try to run the program I usually don't have the game running. Also I double click the exe. also, what is the resource and does it have anything to do with why I can't get s4pe to start up?
One horse disagreer of the Apocalypse
#15 Old 8th Jun 2016 at 6:04 PM
That thing that starts S4_03 blah blah looks like an exported resource. Not sure what it's doing in your s4pe folder... Anyway your error message isn't the one you'd usually get from an unzipping error so I am a bit at a loss

"You can do refraction by raymarching through the depth buffer" (c. Reddeyfish 2017)
#16 Old 8th Jun 2016 at 6:20 PM
What is it that you're trying to use s4pe for? Depending on what it is there are various other tools available in the community that might work for you if you can't get s4pe to run.
Lab Assistant
Original Poster
#17 Old 9th Jun 2016 at 12:11 AM
Quote: Originally posted by orangemittens
What is it that you're trying to use s4pe for? Depending on what it is there are various other tools available in the community that might work for you if you can't get s4pe to run.

I wanted to use it to start making my own xml mods for my game, if there are any other programs that would work than I'm willing to try it
#18 Old 9th Jun 2016 at 12:43 AM
Sims 4 Studio can make xml mods and it's pulling relevant Data resources into the .package now as well.
One horse disagreer of the Apocalypse
#19 Old 9th Jun 2016 at 8:16 AM
Oh yes, an actual creating tool such as Sims4Studio or TSR Workshop (or CAS Tools, but not for XML modding) will be more helpful to you than s4pe, since it will automate a lot of the work, such as finding the resources (packed files) inside the game packages and making them into a working custom package for you. s4pe is a dumb package tool that simply presents the raw data, for advanced modders who want to do tasks that the creators tools can't yet do. Always try one of the creation tools first and only resort to s4pe if none of the user-friendly tools will do it.

I think the problem is that a lot of the tutorials around were written before these other tools were developed and they tell you to use s4pe for this and that long-winded process. If you go to the Sims4Studio site/forums you will find all sorts of up to date tutorials specific to s4s as well as ongoing help on the forums. And of course you can ask for help with those tools here as well, since most creators and modders use one of them.

"You can do refraction by raymarching through the depth buffer" (c. Reddeyfish 2017)
#20 Old 9th Jun 2016 at 5:02 PM
I agree with Inge. If you decide to go with Studio to make your mod, and you run into questions, the Studio Creator Help section is a good place to ask. Also, if you're using Studio and need to do something it cannot yet do, or you have an idea for streamlining a process it can already do, there is a suggestions thread where everyone is welcome to post.
Lab Assistant
Original Poster
#21 Old 10th Jun 2016 at 5:36 PM
That's awesome and I got Sims 4 Studio to work too! I had no idea that I could do that with the sims 4 studio. Thank you all!!!! :D
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