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#1 Old 21st Feb 2015 at 6:25 AM
Default Extreme Attractive Autonomy?
Anyone have an idea how to make an autonomous interaction extremely attractive to a sim so that it's practically guaranteed to trigger quickly? Was working on an autonomous interaction and not sure if it's not running because the stupid Sims aren't in the mood to do it or if something's broken in it that's not generating an exception but preventing it from firing.
#2 Old 21st Feb 2015 at 11:15 PM
Quote: Originally posted by scumbumbo
Anyone have an idea how to make an autonomous interaction extremely attractive to a sim so that it's practically guaranteed to trigger quickly? Was working on an autonomous interaction and not sure if it's not running because the stupid Sims aren't in the mood to do it or if something's broken in it that's not generating an exception but preventing it from firing.

Hi @scumbumbo , when i was messing with woohoo, i used all kind of false advertisement,(EX) they would woohoo when they were hungry, If I advertise Hunger commodity. Also tweaked the commodity thresholds and auto satisfying times.
Rule #1 was, promise allot but reward very little so they would have to repeat over and over again.

Also the priority was Very high.

But I guess you now all this and more.
Original Poster
#3 Old 22nd Feb 2015 at 9:08 AM
Quote: Originally posted by azoresman
Also the priority was Very high.

This may do the trick, I had tried all sorts of false advertisements to no avail, but never tried priority. I did eventually get the action to fire off by selling off pretty much every object on the lot and editing the object to remove a bunch of affordances that kept popping up. In-game it's shown up a few times as well, so that's good, but for testing I'll try bumping the priority so it fires off quicker. Thanks!
One horse disagreer of the Apocalypse
#4 Old 22nd Feb 2015 at 10:08 AM
I thought priority only applied to pushed interactions, not autonomous? A sim isn't usually looking for another autonomous interaction to do until he's finished his queue

"You can do refraction by raymarching through the depth buffer" (c. Reddeyfish 2017)
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