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Lab Assistant
Original Poster
#1 Old 5th May 2007 at 8:07 PM
Default Can I change the sliding doors to pocket doors??
I'm trying to see if it is at all possible to change the 2-tile sliding glass door to a 2-tile pocket door?

It's kind of difficult to explain, but I want each door to slide into the wall (like a pocket door) instead of sliding over the opposite door, but I have NO clue how to go about it, or if it's even possible.
#2 Old 6th May 2007 at 6:53 AM
If you want them to slide into the wall, the easiest would be to change the animations - you need to add o-slidingDoorOpen_anim, o-slidingDoorClose_anim to your package, rename/fix integrity, change value for movement along X axis (probably just change sign, experiment with it ) on a joint that has 2 nodes (r_door_trans), and put new animation names to STR# 0x086 'Anims - Object'.
For a non-sliding doors, this STR# is absent in package, and semiglobal one is used - which contains normal door animations. So if you want to turn a sliding door to non-sliding, simply delete this STR#.
Lab Assistant
Original Poster
#3 Old 27th Jan 2008 at 10:47 PM Last edited by phoenix_phaerie : 27th Jan 2008 at 10:58 PM.
Sorry to resurrect an old post, but I've come back to this project and I still need help

Unfortunately, the suggestion I got from the ever helpful Jasana just went right over my head

I'm still completely unsure of how to augment the sliding door animations so that they slide into the wall rather than onto each other

Basically like this:

I've tried changing the +/- signs of the X values of both the door_trans and door_rot joints in the CRES, but that doesn't work.
I also tried changing the rotation values from 0 to 180. That also didn't work, and actually rendered the doors invisible

All I want to do is change the direction the doors slide. Shouldn't that be simple?
#4 Old 28th Jan 2008 at 5:56 AM
Lol, why not simply edit the animations? It would be safer than messing up CRES (I'm not sure why it got invisible - but, considering that there's 2 GMDCs for each door, and each have offset from 0 - it's not too surprising).
For example, o-slidingDoorOpen_anim has two frames for r_door_trans, with X values changing from -0.51200000 to 0.33500000. I would try to change second value to -0.335 and see what's happening For testing purposes, you can keep the anim name the same; when you'll get it work right, rename it but keep in the 0x1C0532FA group, and fix the anim reference in STR#.
If it will still not work, you can create new anim using Wes's AniMesh - and then you are quite free in how the doors will open, like, you can make them slide both at the same time if you'd want to.

Keep in mind, though, that if doors will slide outside and there'll be no wall there - it would look not quite right. I could live with that but people are different.
Lab Assistant
Original Poster
#5 Old 28th Jan 2008 at 8:14 AM
Quote: Originally posted by Jasana_BugBreeder
Lol, why not simply edit the animations? It would be safer than messing up CRES (I'm not sure why it got invisible - but, considering that there's 2 GMDCs for each door, and each have offset from 0 - it's not too surprising).
For example, o-slidingDoorOpen_anim has two frames for r_door_trans, with X values changing from -0.51200000 to 0.33500000. I would try to change second value to -0.335 and see what's happening For testing purposes, you can keep the anim name the same; when you'll get it work right, rename it but keep in the 0x1C0532FA group, and fix the anim reference in STR#.
If it will still not work, you can create new anim using Wes's AniMesh - and then you are quite free in how the doors will open, like, you can make them slide both at the same time if you'd want to.

Keep in mind, though, that if doors will slide outside and there'll be no wall there - it would look not quite right. I could live with that but people are different.

I have never edited animations in a package before, and I don't even know where to find the o-slidingDoorOpen_anim file in my object's package.

Also I did a trial of Milkshape before I settled on using 3DSMax, which means the only way I could use it is to buy the program--which I'm not willing or able to do So I'm not sure how I'm supposed to use the plugins.

I know I'm useless, but please bear with me. I really want to make this work
#6 Old 28th Jan 2008 at 2:11 PM
Quote: Originally posted by phoenix_phaerie
I have never edited animations in a package before, and I don't even know where to find the o-slidingDoorOpen_anim file in my object's package.

If you would checked 'extract animations', or how was it called, when cloning a sliding door, you would have a properly named copy in your package already. If you didn't, then you need to do few simple steps:
- switch to Finder tab (if you have none, add it via menu - Window->Resource Finder
- select 'NameMap Search', 'Start with [match]', paste 'o-slidingDoor' as Match, hit Start - it should find you both open and close anims
- double-click on a row in results, wait until package loads - it will auto-select the resource, so right-click on it and extract it
- double-click on the other row, it will be selected quickly, and extract it too
Then import those two resources, rename them however you want, Fix TGI, and place the new names into STR# 0x086.
Quote: Originally posted by phoenix_phaerie
So I'm not sure how I'm supposed to use the plugins.
In this simple case, you can edit anims right in ANIM resource - it was editable before any external plugins existed You wouldn't be able to preview, though.
When you open an ANIM resource, selected tabs should be Content - cAnimResourceConst. Find a combobox labeled 'Joint', and select an item in it which had anything different from (1,1,1). Right-click in the left list and select 'Expand Subnodes'.
You will see there nodes 'tc=0', 'tc=1', each having up to 3 children - X, Y, Z. You'll need to edit X ones, since sliding door moves along X axis.
Select an X row. On the right, you'll see 3 groups of 4 editboxes, labeled Parameter, Unknown1, Unknown2. What you need is the 2nd value from the left in the Parameter row - it's the exact value of trasnlation that should be applied to that joint.

So, in o-SlidingDoorOpen, for r_door_trans, tc=0 will have X = 0.51200000 (that's starting position) and tc=1 will have X = 0.33500000. For starters, simply put minus into the X value for TC=1 Note that you'll need to change both open and close anims similarly, or it will look weird
Lab Assistant
Original Poster
#7 Old 29th Jan 2008 at 6:13 AM
Okay, I've managed to reclone the sliding doors and export the animations.

If you can exercise a little more patience with me, I promise I'll get out of your hair Jasana

I understand your explanation about editing the tc=0 and tc=1 values of r_door_trans in the open animation, but I'm not sure how to edit the corresponding values in o-slidingdoorclose_anim so that the door slides closed from the new location. It has many more values in it than the open animation.

I'm also completely stumped by the l_door_trans values. Do I leave those alone?
#8 Old 29th Jan 2008 at 8:26 AM
Quote: Originally posted by phoenix_phaerie
I promise I'll get out of your hair Jasana
I have a lot of it, you can't do any noticeable damage anyway

Leave left anims alone - let's sort out the right anims for now. If you'll want to move both doors simultaneously, you'll have to add 'mirrored' steps to l_door later.

Quote: Originally posted by phoenix_phaerie
I'm not sure how to edit the corresponding values in o-slidingdoorclose_anim so that the door slides closed from the new location. It has many more values in it than the open animation

The rule is:
- the last frame in Open should be the same as first frame in Close
- the first frame in Open should be the same as last frame in Close
So, since your Open is going to be:
tc=0: X=-0.512
tc=866: X=-0.335
Then, your Close would become:
tc=0: X=-0.335 -- this should match Open's tc=866
tc=3: X=-0.338 -- this and next correspond to door staying open while sim gets through - you have to change signs here, too, or the doors will be animated funnily
tc=293: X=-0.338
tc=1159: X=-0.512 -- this should match Open's tc=0; it differs a bit in Maxis case, and is not good - doors will 'jump' a bit
Lab Assistant
Original Poster
#9 Old 29th Jan 2008 at 5:08 PM Last edited by phoenix_phaerie : 29th Jan 2008 at 5:37 PM. Reason: fix attachment
Cheers, Jasana! I actually go the blasted thing to work!

Thank you sooo much! :lovestruc
#10 Old 29th Jan 2008 at 7:39 PM Last edited by Jasana_BugBreeder : 29th Jan 2008 at 7:45 PM.
That's good to hear
Now, if you want to open the other door at the same time as well, you need to add more frames to the l_door_trans as well, with exactly the same values as for r_door_trans - just diferent sign. Should be easy

Ah, and one more thing to look at - diagonal door probably uses different anims. If it does, you need to alter those too.
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